Wednesday, November 5, 2008

How did America Watch the Election Unfold?

On October 15th, the Seattle Times reported that Puget Sound area eateries experienced a surge in business during the presidential debates. In New York City, residents crowded bars and cheered as if the candidates were sports teams. On the morning after the election, we wonder, how did Americans pass the election night?

Facebook showed over 500 public results for “Election Party”

On Gather, members congregated and posted live while the results were unfolding.

On CafeMom, users shared election night games to play with their families.

Windows Live Space had little ocnversation about election night

A number of bloggers reported that they went to a bar or restaurant specifically to watch the election unfold.

I went to a bar that was holding an election party featuring CNN and r&b remixes of obama speeches, and the people in there were all cheering and jeering at the big screen with the vote count. (Female, 20s, Chelmsford, MA)

Several friends met at Stubbies to drink beer, eat German sausages, and watch the election returns. (Male, 39, Gainesville, FL)

I'm really glad I went out to Real Art Ways tonight to watch the election results, with a group of all races, young and old. (Female, 30s, Ellington, CT)

Shel and I watched the election at Neumos--a fairly large bar on Capitol Hill--crammed in with about a thousand other Obama supporters. (Male, 30s, Seattle, WA)

There were also many reports of people gathering at home to watch the results with friends.

There were happy riots of people all up and down frat row. My house, all 40 people, happily gathered into a bundle at the end of the long dining room table, where we'd been gathered to watch the election, and we all screamed. Then everyone got whatever alcohol they owned and poured everyone shots. We all cheered and took them. (Male, 20s, College student)

William, Neek and Chuck came over, we watched election returns and cooking shows and noshed on bagna cauda, hoping the night would turn out well. (Male, 30s, Wisconsin)

I watched the election results on ABC at Antoine's place, with Creighton and Carolyn, and The Hammer. I like being on my laptop when election results are reported so that I can check more local results. (Female, 22, Wisconsin)

Some bloggers reported watching the results at home alone, or with significant others.

Headed home and put on ABC to watch the election coverage, then switched to Comedy Central to watch Futurama and South Park, and then the Daily Show/Colbert Report election special, while still switching back to ABC for updates. (Male, 25, Philadelphia, PA)

Overall, election seemed to be a social event among bloggers. A majority of those who blogged about their election night plans reported to have marked the occasion with some level of social activity, whether at their own home with friends or family or out on the town.

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