Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Free Grand Slam Day at Denny's!!!

This morning I noticed that two of my friends, who live in different states, had updated their facebook statuses to say they were off to get a Grand Slam Breakfast at Denny's. Personally, I have only been to Denny's a handful of times, and it was in college when that was one of the few places that stayed open late. I was partial to some sort of chicken sandwich that seems to have since left the menu. So I had to Google the Grand Slam and see what was going on.

Following the debut of their first ever Super Bowl ad, Denny's is giving a "Free Grand Slam to everyone in America." As a New Yorker, I can hardly tell you where the nearest Denny's is (thought Mapquest suggests it's somewhere between Rahway and Iselin, NJ), so I did not pay much attention to this claim when it aired. But apparently my friends in the rest of America took note.

So how well is their push to regain slipping breakfast market share working out for them? Well, according to the 1400 people who are tweeting about Denny's on Twitter, there are long lines, Denny's is giving out rain checks for those who can't get breakfast, and the local news stations are reporting on the Denny's mayhem. Free publicity. Sweet. Sounds like overall success for the home of the Grand Slam. Have you had your free Grand Slam yet?

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