Tuesday, December 16, 2008
I don't drink soda
Disclaimer: I do drink soda. Specifically, Dr. Pepper and the tried and true "DC" (Diet Coke).
If you live on the coasts, it's called soda, if you're in the Midwest it's pop, and if you're in certain parts of the South it's "a Coke" (even if it's not Coca-Cola.) But do you drink it? And if not, why?
With NY's Governor proposing a budget that would include a tax on Coke and Pepsi, I wondered, are there good reasons for not drinking soda?
“I stopped drinking it because it was too much sugar and the caffeine was hell on my stomach and nerves. I really like cherry or vanilla colas and dr. pepper though. I still get the occasional craving for one of these.” Female, Early 20s, Colorado
“Pop is so bad for you!!! Bad for your skin, bad for your insides. Over all
it's not a healthy choice.”
“I don't like soda. Makes me feel all bloated and gross. Ick.” Female, 19, California
So, for the most part, the consensus among those who choose not to drink soda seemed to be that the choice was due to the physical impact: Soda makes you sick... and overweight.
The majority of professed "Soda haters" were young women, though there were a smattering of males, mostly those who seemed athletic, who also expressed disdain for the beverage. Of the top sodas imbibed by "Non- Soda Drinkers" were Dr. Pepper and Ginger Ale.
Some other reasons described were financial (the money could be better spent elsewhere) and weight loss (quitting soda was a quick way to shed some pounds). There was a healthy debate on facebook as to whether the drink should be "soda" or "pop," as well as a number of groups who didn't care because they "drink beer."
Preference against soda also appeared often on blogs, MySpace and other social networking sites as part of different surveys that circulate the web. On the questions that asked about soda preference, many soda adversaries expressed their distate for any type of soda.
So what do you think? Do you drink Soda? Will you quit?
Interested in more analysis? Drop me a line at heatherm@nicholasresearch.com
Diet Coke,
Dr. Pepper,
Ginger Ale,
Monday, December 8, 2008
Even though I can't afford it
With pocketbooks pinched, and the holidays approaching, many people are reaching for their credit cards to pay for things that they can not necessarily afford. We wondered, what type of items are people still buying, even though they can't afford it?
One frequently mentioned category was camera equipment. This was surprising, since cameras tend to be luxury items. For more insight, I contacted professional photographer Max Flatow, who attributed this phenom to the fact that, "camera companies are constantly trying to one-up one another. As soon as a new product comes out from one manufacturer, another one comes out from a different manufacturer the next month, so people become overly consumed in wanting to buy new equipment."
Other frequently mentioned splurges included:
Travel: Weekend trips, visits to families, and vacations. Bloggers noted that "they needed a vacation," or that visiting their relatives was a priority, regardless of funding.
Coffee: Expensive lattes or flavored coffees from Starbucks, Dunkin' Donuts, or other local chains. Some cited their addiction to caffeine, while others saw the drinks as a way to treat themselves.
Education: Student loans and books or other expenses related to education. Some referred to the fact that they needed education in order to excel in their future careers.
Are you interested in consumer splurging patterns? Drop me a line at heatherm@nicholasresearch.com
Friday, December 5, 2008
When did Ugly Christmas Sweaters become a business?
The Ugly Christmas Sweater has been around for a long time. In fact, so has the Ugly Christmas Sweater Party. But as of late, it seems that the perfect Ugly Christmas Sweater is the new Tickle Me Elmo. What was once an item that could be easily purchased at a Goodwill shop is now a commodity with a high level of bidding on EBay. What does the online community think?
www.uglychristmassweaters.com allows visitors to purchase sweaters, and offers tips on how to throw your very own Ugly Christmas Sweater party. The site had received 49,000 Page Views in the 60 Days preceding November 24th. Facebook lists more than 500 events related to "Ugly Christmas Sweater," and more than 100 user groups.
Off the blogs:
The premise of Ugly Sweater Parties is that you go to a Goodwill, Salvation Army, etc store (any store that has second-hand goods for sale), find the ugliest sweater you can, preferably related to Christmas/winter theme and wear it to the party. (Female, 20’s)
I'm not proud to admit it, but I bought one of those expensive eBay sweaters. I didn't want to, but I didn't really have much of a choice. Don't worry though. It's going back on eBay the morning after the party. (Male, 20s)
I just got my ugly sweater from ebay today. If I don't win I will be incredibly sad. It's soooooooo ugly. That's all I can say about it since it's a surprise. I have a feeling there will be some stiff competition this year. It's not just about the ugly Christmas sweater, but the entire ensemble. (Female, 31, Austin, TX)
The phenomenon seems to center mainly around men and women in their 20s and 30s. The sweaters have become "ironically chic" in their kitchiness. The older generations seem to refer to them just as "Christmas sweaters," and don't seem to appreciate the novelty that the younger generations have so overwhelmingly embraced.
Interested in more analysis? Drop me a line at HeatherM@nicholasresearch.com.
Monday, November 24, 2008
The Online Anti-Turkey Coalition
Well, we all know about the people who are getting ready to eat turkey on Thursday, but what about the people who aren't?
I don't eat Turkey on Thanksgiving. Nothing should have to die for a holidays sake. Plus it was almost our national bird. (Then we wouldn't be able to eat it? I don't know how that works. Has anyone tried to eat an Eagle?) - Female
Well there will only be 3 of us this year at the table so we are going with a roast duck instead of turkey...I have no desire to be eating leftover turkey until Christmas...lol. Female, 30s, Georgetown, KY
My mom asked me the other night if it was okay if we had ham instead of turkey for thanksgiving. I told her that she could do what she would do, but I would be cranky about it if we didn't have turkey and that I would probably resent it because you know in my memory, its always been turkey. who doesn't have turkey for thanksgiving? Female, 20s, Washington, DC
I would venture to guess that most people would be horrified if they were served cat on Thanksgiving instead of turkey. Both are equally as horrifying. Turkeys are affectionate, sociable, and loving animals. So are cats. How does one justify eating one and not the other? I’m not sure. Female, 20s, West Virginia
I think we’re going to go with chicken instead of turkey, since turkeys are so expensive and we’re all broke. Female, 23, Austin, TX
I don't like the turkey, or the ham, cranberry sauce, stuffing... yuk. All I eat on Thanksgiving is the hor d'oevres, most importantly the Ruffles and dip. Female, 30s
Among the most common reasons to not eat turkey were vegetarianism, preference for ham, or substitution of chicken.
Would you like analysis of today's or any other post? Drop me a line at heatherm@nicholasresearch.com.
Friday, November 21, 2008
Brrrr!!! It's cooooold!!!
With cold weather sweeping in across the nation, what does the blogosphere have to say about winter temperatures?
“I am buying a huge flat screen tv this weekend and joined Netflix yesterday. I do not plan on leaving my bedroom this winter!” Female, 24, Atlanta, GA
“Gettin’ nasty cold out there, folks. I wear calf-length wool coats and knee-high leather boots, but unfortunately the coat tends to flap open as I walk, allowing chilling gusts of freezing air to zoom directly up my skirt. Plus, the high-velocity nippy air bites at my cheeks and makes my eyes run. Wah!” Female, 20s, Boston, MA
“We're having a problem with our waterbottles. When cold, the plastic gets very stiff making getting a quick drink nearly impossible. We really have to slow down and sip, sip, sip to get any real fluids in.” Female
“I know, it's the weather, seriously, it makes me do crazy things that are way out of character. Maybe if it would just warm up and stay warm we would not have gotten in trouble” Female, Teens, Lexington, KY
Common themes included: Buying entertainment equiptment in preparation for a long season indoors; Preparing soup; Reporting about current weather and making predictions for the future; Getting winter clothes ready, and purchasing new clothes for the season.
There were also numerous postings on Flickr and other photo-sharing sites of first signs of winter weather.
For analysis on today's or any other topic, please drop me a line at: heatherm@nicholasresearch.com
Wednesday, November 5, 2008
How did America Watch the Election Unfold?
On October 15th, the Seattle Times reported that Puget Sound area eateries experienced a surge in business during the presidential debates. In New York City, residents crowded bars and cheered as if the candidates were sports teams. On the morning after the election, we wonder, how did Americans pass the election night?
Facebook showed over 500 public results for “Election Party”
On Gather, members congregated and posted live while the results were unfolding.
On CafeMom, users shared election night games to play with their families.
Windows Live Space had little ocnversation about election night
A number of bloggers reported that they went to a bar or restaurant specifically to watch the election unfold.
I went to a bar that was holding an election party featuring CNN and r&b remixes of obama speeches, and the people in there were all cheering and jeering at the big screen with the vote count. (Female, 20s, Chelmsford, MA)
Several friends met at Stubbies to drink beer, eat German sausages, and watch the election returns. (Male, 39, Gainesville, FL)
I'm really glad I went out to Real Art Ways tonight to watch the election results, with a group of all races, young and old. (Female, 30s, Ellington, CT)
Shel and I watched the election at Neumos--a fairly large bar on Capitol Hill--crammed in with about a thousand other Obama supporters. (Male, 30s, Seattle, WA)
There were also many reports of people gathering at home to watch the results with friends.
There were happy riots of people all up and down frat row. My house, all 40 people, happily gathered into a bundle at the end of the long dining room table, where we'd been gathered to watch the election, and we all screamed. Then everyone got whatever alcohol they owned and poured everyone shots. We all cheered and took them. (Male, 20s, College student)
William, Neek and Chuck came over, we watched election returns and cooking shows and noshed on bagna cauda, hoping the night would turn out well. (Male, 30s, Wisconsin)
I watched the election results on ABC at Antoine's place, with Creighton and Carolyn, and The Hammer. I like being on my laptop when election results are reported so that I can check more local results. (Female, 22, Wisconsin)
Some bloggers reported watching the results at home alone, or with significant others.
Headed home and put on ABC to watch the election coverage, then switched to Comedy Central to watch Futurama and South Park, and then the Daily Show/Colbert Report election special, while still switching back to ABC for updates. (Male, 25, Philadelphia, PA)
Overall, election seemed to be a social event among bloggers. A majority of those who blogged about their election night plans reported to have marked the occasion with some level of social activity, whether at their own home with friends or family or out on the town.
Monday, October 27, 2008
Help, my 401(k) is a 101(k)!
Blogger reactions to the impact of the economy on their retirement accounts:
Seems contradictory that the same weekend I finally gathered enough courage to open up my 401K statement I also went on an online shopping spree. Based on the statement I should be conserving every penny I can, but :shrug:. Sometimes a gal’s just gotta shop!
Female, 40s, St. Louis, MO
I'm not sure how any costume could be scarier than today's economy. There's not enough fake blood in the world to frighten me more than watching my 401k shrivel to the size of a walnut.
Female, 40s, Ventura County, CA
Two weeks ago, I switched my 401K out of stocks and into a stable fund (basically a savings account) until the market stabilizes. I don't expect that until after Nov. 4 and maybe not until inauguration day. But if I see a glimmer of a stable bottom, I'm jumping back into stocks (since they can only go up). I should have gotten out sooner, but I'm an amateur at this stuff.
Male, 40s, Dallas, TX
It seems that the people around me care only about superficial things, such as clothes, gossip, their 401k, the thing that are bothering them in that moment, their grades (I'm a college student), etc. Can't anyone see past those stupid and simple things to see the important parts of life?
Male, 18-21
I want to believe in the power of smiles, hugs, a kind word, truth, justice, peace,dreams , the imagination, mankind, and making angels in the snow.
So....here's my checkbook and my car-keys, my credit card bills and my 401K statements. I am officially resigning from adulthood.
Female, 34, Midwest
Analysis: The majority of conversation about 401(k)s came from men and women in their 40s. This group, presumably, has 15-20 years until they can touch their retirement funds. For this reason, their dismay- and often fright- at the devaluation of their investments seemed to be trumped by the idea that the money would gain value again by the time they need it.
Want more analysis? Drop me a line at HeatherM@nicholasresearch.com
*Image courtesy of ABC News
Seems contradictory that the same weekend I finally gathered enough courage to open up my 401K statement I also went on an online shopping spree. Based on the statement I should be conserving every penny I can, but :shrug:. Sometimes a gal’s just gotta shop!
Female, 40s, St. Louis, MO
I'm not sure how any costume could be scarier than today's economy. There's not enough fake blood in the world to frighten me more than watching my 401k shrivel to the size of a walnut.
Female, 40s, Ventura County, CA
Two weeks ago, I switched my 401K out of stocks and into a stable fund (basically a savings account) until the market stabilizes. I don't expect that until after Nov. 4 and maybe not until inauguration day. But if I see a glimmer of a stable bottom, I'm jumping back into stocks (since they can only go up). I should have gotten out sooner, but I'm an amateur at this stuff.
Male, 40s, Dallas, TX
It seems that the people around me care only about superficial things, such as clothes, gossip, their 401k, the thing that are bothering them in that moment, their grades (I'm a college student), etc. Can't anyone see past those stupid and simple things to see the important parts of life?
Male, 18-21
I want to believe in the power of smiles, hugs, a kind word, truth, justice, peace,dreams , the imagination, mankind, and making angels in the snow.
So....here's my checkbook and my car-keys, my credit card bills and my 401K statements. I am officially resigning from adulthood.
Female, 34, Midwest
Analysis: The majority of conversation about 401(k)s came from men and women in their 40s. This group, presumably, has 15-20 years until they can touch their retirement funds. For this reason, their dismay- and often fright- at the devaluation of their investments seemed to be trumped by the idea that the money would gain value again by the time they need it.
Want more analysis? Drop me a line at HeatherM@nicholasresearch.com
*Image courtesy of ABC News
Tuesday, October 14, 2008
Columbus Day!
What did Americans have to say about this week's holiday?
In the afternoon, we loaded up the kids and headed off to the board of elections to vote. This year, Ohio is allowing early voting, something that I think is wonderful.
Male, 30s, Southwestern, Ohio, Marketing Manager
I went to the gym yesterday morning!! About 1030 something. I was off from work. hehe I like the morning work outs much better. … I want to work my arms to burn calories and strengthen them. Then I went to Cato's to shop. I had a gift card left over from last Christmas. I bought two pairs of pants. One jeans and one dress slacks. The jeans were on sale.
Female, 31, Kentucky, Self-employed
Thank Goodness for Christopher Columbus!! I mean, what would we do without the day off of school and the sales. *smile* The kids were in deseparte need of new shoes, so I went to my local Payless Shoe Source. They were having a BOGO sale.
Female, 40s, Richmond, VA
It wasn’t until last fall that i realized that columbus day was a real holiday (just another excuse for lazy gov’t folks to not go to work), and I am in fact a little offended we give Columbus his own day that’s treated equivalently. Is he really as honorable as all the people killed serving in the military or the people who work hard in this country?
Female, 20s, Washington, DC
If you are like most people, chances are you had off from work today. Hopefully in the spirit of Columbus Day you spent it out discovering your own piece of America and really enjoyed the day off. Here's a couple songs to cap off the theme of the day.
Grace Potter and The Nocturnals - Mr. Columbus
Graham Parker - I Discovered America
Male, Philadelphia PA
Common themes included: Reflecting on the meaning of Columbus day, pondering the legitimacy of the holiday, discussing how the day was spent and talking about Columbus Day sales. Want more analysis? Contact me: heatherm@nicholasresearch.com.
Wednesday, October 8, 2008
Tuesday, October 7, 2008
Americans and Whoppers
With the official announcement that Burger King will open it’s first Whopper Bar in Orlando, we wonder, how does the good ole Whopper fit into the American life?
“I had a Whopper Jr. and an Icee. Did that EVER take me back! I can't remember the last time I had a Whopper Jr. Or an Icee, for that matter. But I do remember what they both represent. … I have these very vivid images of Papa at Burger King after church with us. I would always get a Whopper Jr. with no onions and french fries.” (Female, 30s, student)
“Mandorallyn [a toddler] had a Whopper Jr. (well, she ate the top of the bun, half the bottom bun, the tomato, the onion and a fourth of the meat pattie) and I had a Whopper Jr. and small onion rings.” (Female, 20s, Southern California, homemaker)
“I knew I wanted a Burger King, and my standard fare there is the double whopper. Whoppers are a fickle thing. A single whopper for a grown man with my stats is usually not enough: too much bread. A double is sometimes too much: lots of meat.” (Male, 30s, Vermont)
“For lunch I had: A Whopper w/Cheese - YIKES!!!! No fries and no soda though at least. Just the burger and a water. I had no dinner, and I danced all night - so I did work off the bad stuff that I ate earlier I hope!!!!” (Female)
“A couple days ago I filled up my gas tank at a whopping $3.85/gallon and on the way home I swung by Burger King to grab a whopper jr. and paid only $1.06 w/ tax.” (Female)
Even considering the fact that there are more women bloggers, in general, it was surprising how many women blogged about this burger.
Want more analysis? E-mail: heatherm@nicholasresearch.com
“I had a Whopper Jr. and an Icee. Did that EVER take me back! I can't remember the last time I had a Whopper Jr. Or an Icee, for that matter. But I do remember what they both represent. … I have these very vivid images of Papa at Burger King after church with us. I would always get a Whopper Jr. with no onions and french fries.” (Female, 30s, student)
“Mandorallyn [a toddler] had a Whopper Jr. (well, she ate the top of the bun, half the bottom bun, the tomato, the onion and a fourth of the meat pattie) and I had a Whopper Jr. and small onion rings.” (Female, 20s, Southern California, homemaker)
“I knew I wanted a Burger King, and my standard fare there is the double whopper. Whoppers are a fickle thing. A single whopper for a grown man with my stats is usually not enough: too much bread. A double is sometimes too much: lots of meat.” (Male, 30s, Vermont)
“For lunch I had: A Whopper w/Cheese - YIKES!!!! No fries and no soda though at least. Just the burger and a water. I had no dinner, and I danced all night - so I did work off the bad stuff that I ate earlier I hope!!!!” (Female)
“A couple days ago I filled up my gas tank at a whopping $3.85/gallon and on the way home I swung by Burger King to grab a whopper jr. and paid only $1.06 w/ tax.” (Female)
Even considering the fact that there are more women bloggers, in general, it was surprising how many women blogged about this burger.
Want more analysis? E-mail: heatherm@nicholasresearch.com
Monday, September 29, 2008
The New Google Phone
What people are saying about the new Google phone:
"New iPhones are cheaper but come with a very expensive contract. Again, NotSoMuch for me. I’m thinking that October 22 I’ll get the Google phone and until then I’ll just use one of the many throw away phones we have around the house." (Female, 30s, Los Angeles)
"So here I was, all excited about Android. Not because the G1’s physical design is especially attractive. In fact, it’s a gray design with no soul. Not because of the user interface, which at first glance reminded me of a mash-up between the Nintendo DS and a ’90s Windows desktop manager. No, I was excited because this is the first post-iPhone smartphone that could be a serious challenger to Apple’s mounting dominance. Then I looked closely at this image and realized the G1 will not pose a threat to Apple at all." (MacBlender)
"The Google Phone, Tratner said, will review your previous conversations with your most frequently called numbers, along with your Internet search data, spending habits, and information about your credit rating, personal possessions, and sex life, and make calls, sounding just like you, to other people." [Satirical Blog] (Male, 50, California)
"The T-Mobile G1 Google GPhone Android Phone... thing. Lol Officially it is called T-Mobile G1, but it has been called the GPhone, the Google phone, or just G1, I think I'll be wavering between The Google Phone and The G1. Down to Google-y Business. Urgh, there is seriously SO much that is cool about this phone, don't be shocked if I miss out loads lol." (Male, 20s, UK.)
Monday, September 22, 2008
The Autumnal Equinox: First Day of Fall, 2008
What people across the country have to say about the start of the new season:
"Today is officially the first day of Fall!! I think I will celebrate by picking up a pumpkin spice latte this morning." Female, 30's, Charlotte, North Carolina
"Well today is the first day of fall and chances are the health forums that I use on a regular basis are about to get a lot busier. I have talked about Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD) briefly before but it would be a good time to cover this topic with a little bit more care." Male, 30's
"Ahh.... the first day of Fall! Love this time of year....but I appreciate it alot more back in my homestate of Minnesota. I just love the crunching of the leaves, the cool in the air... hot apple cider, and knowing that I have to enjoy every last minute before Ol' Man Winter creeps back." Female, 30's, Chandler, Arizona
"The first day of fall has me thinking about a new wardrobe. Heavens, I love shoes and boy do I love Anthropologie. My favorite shoes as of late are all produced by Poetic License. They all have gorgeous textile use and rich embellishments. Mmm, shoes. This pair inspired an entire fall outfit." Female, Nevada
"Kids back in school. Friday night football games. College Football tailgate parties. Fall Festivals. Halloween and trick-or-treating. Long sleeves. Open windows. Birthdays. Anniversaries. All part of the wonderment of Autumn…my favorite season." Male, 40's
(Based on keyword, "First Day of Fall 2008," top searched term on Google today)
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